How do I use Marketing Center?

LoopNet provides owners with unmatched access to vetted buyers around the world and insight into the deals and properties they have listed on the platform.

Any owner will have the tools necessary to view, evaluate and manage their listings at any time.

How to Access Marketing Center

  1. Log in to your LoopNet account.
  2. Click the site navigation menu in the top left-hand corner.
  3. Click Marketing Center.

Marketing Center Auction Features

Once you’ve logged into Marketing Center, you will be able to view and manage every property that is being sold through the auction format. Features include:

  • Auction Day: Check out the activity happening with your property live on auction day. Properties being sold at auction will automatically appear in this tab when the auction begins.
  • Auction Time: A countdown indicates when a property is going to auction, and how much time remains before the auction ends.
  • Reserve Amount: View, set, or edit the reserve for any specific property. Note that reserve prices can only be lowered, and cannot be raised.
  • Probability of Sale: See what the market is currently saying about your property, and gauge its probability of sale based on feedback collected by your LoopNet representative.
  • Property Details: You can click on and dive into each of your properties for more detailed information. You’ll have access to information such as bidding start time, reserve, probability of sale, market feedback, buyer registrations started and completed, number of page visits, and more.
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